A priest faces charges for comparing Hitler and Lenin

March 7, 2018. The rector of Dormition church in Ekaterinburg, protopriest Eugenie Popichenko is on trial accused of incitement of hatred or enmity and of violation of human dignity. The trial was initiated after the priest commented on renaming the streets named after soviet officials.

“ Should we name the street after Shamil Basayev, for example, or after Gebbels or Hering? Lenin and Hitler – it is all the same in fact: their essence, their hatred towards humanity, towards people, their “works” which caused so much sufferance, pity and blood… They are like two sides of the medal. A habit prevents us from thinking reasonably. Why not? There are probably people for whom Shamil Basayev is a national hero and they are ready to glorify his name. But for us this idea is offensive.”

On the 5th march the first trial preparations were held. Next hearings are scheduled on the 2nd of April.

Source: http://www.pravmir.ru/v-ekaterinburge-idet-sud-nad-svyashhennikom-sravnivshim-lenina-s-gitlerom/