A criminal case for spreading extremist materials on Orthodox Christianity in the Internet has been sent to a Court of Izhevsk
January 15, 2015. The public prosecutor of Oktyabrsky District Court of Izhevsk (Russia) confirmed the indictment and sent to the court a criminal case against 23-year-old Timur Shoev for committing a crime defined by the Criminal Code of Russian Federation in the article 282 part 1 (Actions aimed at abasement of human dignity of individuals by reason of their attitude to religion committed in public).
The investigation revealed that on January 7, 2013 in Izhevsk Shoev used his personal computer to publish on the page of a social network a picture representing a group of people committing violent acts against the image of Jesus Christ.
In January 2014, a court decision classified this picture as extremist material producing negative psychological impact on the religious feelings of believers by humiliation of their dignity.
In addition, Shoev provided the picture with comments expressing extremely negative and hostile attitude towards people who profess Orthodox Christianity.
According to the Criminal Code of Russian Federation, article 282 part 1, this offense could be punished by a fine of 100 thousands rubles (about 1275 euros) or by deprivation of liberty for a term of two to four years.