Secretariat General of the Council of Europe confirmed receiving of information about violation of rights of believers and communities of the UOC

March 24, 2015. Secretariat General of the Council of Europe informed the Department for External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church that they received the letter of Chairman of the DECR UOC metropolitan of Lugansk and Altchevsk Mytrofan, where there were presented facts of violation of rights of believers and communities of the UOC as reports Department for External Church Relations of the UOC.

In the letter of the Director General for Democracy at the Council of Europe Ms Snežana Samardžić-Marković it was expressed the assurance that “the Council of Europe will undertake every effort to ensure that the rights of all citizens, as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights – regardless of their confession, political or other affiliation – are guaranteed”.

Separately, similar confirmation has been received by the DECR UOC from the Office of the Commissioner of the Council of Europe for Human Rights Mr Nils Muižnieks. In the letter it also was expressed the assurance, that Mr Muižnieks is going to take the submitted information “into consideration in the context of his on-going human rights monitoring work and dialogue with the governments of member states”.