Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosna tells the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina about the systematic discrimination of Serbian Orthodox Church

January 30, 2019 – Today Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosna father Hrizostom held a meeting with the head of the Council of Europe Office in Sarajevo, his Excellency Mr Drahoslav Štefanek.

Metropolitan welcomed Mr Štefanek, presented him the history of the Metropolitanate of Dabar-Bosna, and told him about the problems with which the Metropolitanate has been facing. In particular Metropolitan emphasized systematic discrimination of the Serbian Orthodox Church and of its faithful. One of the problems that were specially mentioned was the problem of the Sarajevo Seminary’s building[note]The building of the Sarajevo Seminary was confiscated and nationalized from the Serbian Orthodox Church after the Second World War and given to the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo. In 1991 the Executive Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina rendered a decision on restitution of the building, but that decision remained unenforced until today.[/note] which the Serbian Orthodox Church still cannot use. In this way basic human rights of the Orthodox Church are being violated, while the Metropolitanate is being obstructed in its full operability.

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  1. The official website of Dabar-Bosna Metropolitanate (Serbian Orthodox Church) – “Драхослав Штефанек, Шеф Канцеларије Савјета Европе у Сарајеву  Посјетио Митрополита Хризостома”
  2. The official website of  Montenegrin and the Littoral Metropolitanate (Serbian Orthodox Church) – “Митрополит Хризостом: Дискриминација на штету СПЦ”